Hospital Ar-Ridzuan

Monday - Sunday: 24 hours

Medical Report

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Contact us at:

+605 242 1111

Monday - Sunday:

24 hours

Our comprehensive medical report services are tailored to meet your needs, and we are dedicated to becoming your trusted partner in accessing reliable and thorough medical information.

The Medical Report Section at processes applications for:

  • Medical reports.
  • Completion of insurance forms.
  • Completion of PERKESO, KWSP, etc.
  • Investigation reports, such as laboratory or radiology results.
  • Copies of discharge summaries, referral letters, etc.

Who Can Apply?

  1. Patients who are healthy/mentally fit and 18 years old or above.
  2. For patients under 18 or those unable to provide consent due to mental incapacity, a photocopy of identification or legal documents as proof of relationship and consent from a parent or legal representative is required.
  3. Next of kin, such as a spouse, children, or parent.
  4. Appointed agents (e.g., insurance companies, legal firms, etc.).
  5. Authorized government agencies (e.g., PDRM, KKM, SPRM, etc.).