Hospital Ar-Ridzuan

Monday - Sunday: 24 hours

Total Knee Replacement Package

A total knee replacement (TKR) is a surgical procedure that replaces a damaged knee joint with metal and plastic parts. It’s also known as a knee arthroplasty.

Why it’s done
  • TKR is a common treatment for severe arthritis or knee injuries that cause pain and disability.
  • The goal is to relieve pain and improve mobility.
How it’s done
  • The surgeon makes an incision in the front of the knee.
  • The surgeon moves the kneecap to the side to access the knee joint.
  • The surgeon removes the damaged ends of the thigh and shin bones.
  • The surgeon replaces the ends of the bones with metal and plastic parts.
  • The surgeon puts the kneecap back in place.
  • The surgeon closes the incision and covers it with a bandage.

Contact us to make an appointment at +05 242 1111.